Friday, July 27, 2007

July 26th Meeting @ Shanda's Place!

We had a great time! 10 chicks showed up + TJ came by for a few minutes to drop off the raffle prize which Denise won! YEA! Some girls started their Magic Loop Socks and many cute finished projects were shared! We had a guest with us named Laurie! Here are the photos!

Debb getting some business stuff finished and then she started her Magic Loop Socks!

Diane working on another awesome afghan!

Donna had 3 great finished projects to show us! She doesn't just knit dishcloths!

Lauren was working on a beautiful afghan herself!!

Pat outdid herself again with this adorable monkey! She makes the cutest crocheted animals!!
Lynn is so good she is knitting with her eyes closed!! LOL! Sorry Lynn! We will take a better pic next time!

Priscilla made an adorable placemat purse and started knitting her Magic Loop Socks!!
Here is our visitor for the evening Laurie! It was nice meeting you Laurie!

And since I was taking the photos there are none of me! WOOHOO! :) Until we meet again!!


DaCraftyLady said...

Welcome Laurie...ah but we are a great bunch of ladies... :)Thank you Shanda for posting and teaching our socks class and thank you Denise too!


Great photos Shanda. Thank you for posting them! I love this idea of a blog for the group. Hopefully members will log on to see new posts. There is an RSS feed for this site so you can just check to see if there are any new posts.