Friday, March 18, 2011

T-Shirt Deco Spring Fling Party

What a night! Lauren, Pat, Colleen, Patricia, Donna, and Debb were there, we missed you Denise....We all sat down and of course ate first....the Lasagna was terrific -veggies and salad and jello salad, and so many varieties of scrumcious breads, Patricia even made some green "Friendship Bread" that was like a dessert! Then the decorating began.... T-shirts were given to each member and everyone brought a little "bling" to contribute to the center of the table.
Stitch n' Chicks iron-on designs were available with the members names for attaching to the T-shirts. Everyone got to "show off" their artistic talents...every shirt turned out great!! Some of us also took theirs home to finish and will be bringing them back to show off soon!! :)
Donna got to wrap her "Rainbow Skein" as she was absent at the last get together. Don't worry Denise we still have yarn left for you too.... :)

Here are a few of the photos...check out Pat's "green" St Patrick's Day get-up... and a BIG thank you to Patricia for bringing our "goodie bags" ...she always does such a terrific job!!!!!
We even had a "Blarney Stone" all the way from Ireland!! lol.....and guess who kissed it????

the Blarney Stone

drinks table
Pat wore her GREEN!!

getting ready to decorate

Debb finished hers

Pat decides what she wants to decorate with

busy working on the T-shirts

What "bling" should we use?

adding some "Bling"

pressing hard to apply the SnC  logo design

We all took turns ironing on the designs

making sure the position was just right

yummy food ready to eat
Donna finishes her "Rainbow Skein"

Pat won the St Patrick's Day "Green" contest

Patricia win the door prize

Patricia's shirt is done

debb won the raffle

Lauren's Shirt is done
The gang.....

And for the answer to the question, "Who kissed the Blarney stone?"

It was Donna...Ta--Da
And she won a cute little prize for kissing the stone!!!
Congratulations Donna for following the legend of the "Blarney Stone" when kissed bestows upon the kisser the "gift of gab-and the power of eloquence"

The Meaning of "Blarney"
It from Queen Elizabeth I who said, when the eloquent excuses of McCarthy were repeated to her, "Odds bodikins, Blarney talk!"
 Thus, the term "Blarney" has come to mean "the ability to influence and coax with fair words and soft speech without giving offense."

The Blarney Stone Poem

There is a stone there, that whoever kisses,

Oh! He never misses to grow eloquent:
'Tis he may clamber to a lady's chamber,
Or become a member of Parliament.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Peacemakers Jan 2011 --- Rainbow Skein Night Feb 2011

were at Piecemakers Jan 2011
thats a rabbit on her lap
Rainbow Skein night Feb 2011
goodie bags
Debb's Rainbow Skein
Lauren's Rainbow Skein
Colleen's Rainbow Skeins
for baby
Lauren's RR Scarf

2010 Christmas Party--Norco Fair--- and the Marina Christmas Lights Boat Ride 2010

goodie bag

Lauren was the Grinch this year

a snuggie to keep Denise warm

our other goodie bags

look what I got
Add caption
the group
I like this

I think I got????

what is Denise saying???
Norco Fair
directing traffic

This little piggy went to market and....

making our favorite cookies

eating time

Santa gal
waiting for the food
on the boat
we were having a fun time
close up
the lights